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Ruptela Ignition Block Relay

Manufacturer: Ruptela

The motor hand-off is a gadget intended for obstructing the motor of a vehicle. It offers security against unapproved utilization of the vehicle. Distant enactment of the hand-off is conceivable through an observing and control framework or by SMS.

Ignition Block Relay

The Ruptela Ignition Block Relay serves to block a vehicle’s engine, providing security against unauthorized use. You can remotely activate the relay through a monitoring and control system or by sending an SMS.

This functionality of Ruptela Ignition Block Relay easily integrates with various series:

  1. HCV5/LCV5/Pro5 series
  2. HCV5/LCV5/Pro5 Lite series
  3. Trace5
  4. Pro4
  5. Eco4

The engine relay is a valuable security measure designed to thwart disallowed vehicle usage. Its remote activation feature, accessible through a monitoring system or by SMS, adds a layer of convenience to its functionality.

Compatibility is a strong suit for the engine relay, as it easily aligns with multiple series, including HCV5/LCV5/Pro5, HCV5/LCV5/Pro5 Lite, Trace5, Pro4, and Eco4. This adaptability ensures that users can easily incorporate the engine relay into their existing systems, enhancing the security of their vehicles.

In essence, the engine relay is a security-focused device that inhibits unauthorized vehicle operation. Its remote activation, whether through a monitoring system or SMS, provides users with a flexible and convenient means of control. The broad compatibility with various series further underscores its versatility, making it a reliable choice for enhancing the security features of different vehicle setups.

Integration of the device is subject to the terms and conditions of our software.